Vitiligo is a condition that results in the discoloration of skin. Although the exact cause is unknown, many genetic factors are believed to contribute to the occurrence of vitiligo. Exposure to certain chemicals and sunburn may also be responsible for the spread of the condition. The condition can occur in both males and females.
For children and teens, the condition can be especially difficult to discuss with friends and peers. The condition can also lead to serious mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. However, there are treatments available. These treatments can help to ease symptoms associated with the disease. It is important to seek professional advice and guidance about vitiligo treatment.
The first step in treating vitiligo is to apply a sunscreen or cream with a high SPF. Using sunscreen will protect the affected areas and make the condition less noticeable. The second step is to protect yourself from the sun by wearing a hat and long-sleeved clothing. Eventually, the affected area will regain its natural color. This repigmented area will be lighter than the surrounding skin.
Vitiligo affects the skin anywhere on the body. The size of the affected areas varies from person to person. Most sufferers are not aware of the symptoms and the condition goes unnoticed. The most common pattern of vitiligo is generalized, with patches on the arms, hands, feet, eyelids, and face. However, the condition can also affect the mucous membranes, including the eyes and inner ears.
Vitiligo is a disorder that causes patches of skin to become colorless or gray. It can affect people of any race or ethnicity, but is more noticeable in darker-skinned individuals. In some people, vitiligo affects the mouth, scalp, and eyelashes. Some people even experience white hair on the affected areas.
The loss of skin colour is not painful. In rare cases, vitiligo sufferers may experience sunburns on the affected areas. Patients should use sunscreen and wear protective clothing when exposed to sunlight. Before the skin completely depigmentates, it may be itchy. Vitiligo is not inherited, but about 30% of people who develop the condition have a close relative with the disease.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease. This means the immune system attacks the cells that produce pigment. It is believed that a person with vitiligo is more likely to develop another autoimmune disorder. Vitiligo can lead to depression and anxiety, and it’s important to seek out support for people affected by the disease.
Vitiligo can be treated with medication. The FDA-approved Opzelura cream, for example, can help restore skin color. However, it can take several months before the effects of the treatment will show. Patients may notice streaks or lines in the skin, and their skin may become thinner. Some patients may require corticosteroids that can be taken orally or administered topically.